Meet the faith2influence team


➡️ Lead with love

The most important commandment. Love God and love others.

➡️ Be curious first, critical second

Curiosity over judgment creates deeper relationships.

➡️ Be a learner rather than a knower

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11)

➡️ Know that God is always fathering you

There is a gift in every situation; it just takes courage to find it.

➡️ Practice full-presence listening

Engaged listening is an uncommon gift.

➡️ Share wisdom rather than good advice

Sharing advice makes you feel smart while wisdom is shared for others.

➡️ Win-Win or No-Deal

We believe the highest relational energetic is one in which both sides are generously serving each other in the pursuit of their goals.

➡️ Honor immersion

Eliminate distractions before they come up to fully experience every moment.